Laurie Addison

  • Executive Leadership Coach

  • Energy Leadership 

  • Former Marketing Executive


Laurie Addison has been leading and coaching teams to drive optimal results within large, global corporations for over 30 years. Being a top-level executive, she has driven profound breakthroughs with positive impacts on business results and human systems within the organizations where she worked. She led diverse, global marketing and cross-functional teams with all the demands of multi-billion-dollar strategic initiatives and day-to-day projects, contributing millions in marketing-driven revenue, delivering results to the BOD/Board of Directors and investors, ensuring a positive work environment for highly-engaged employees, along with thousands of air-miles traveling domestically and internationally.

Connecting with an Executive Coach created a positive shift and healthy life-changing difference for Laurie as she progressed in the fast-paced, demanding, and aggressive Fortune 100/200 corporate world. Ultimately, her coaching connections, plus her advanced education in organizational leadership and positive psychology, led Laurie to step out of the corporate environment to focus on helping even more individuals to become better and healthier leaders for themselves and all those around them.


Laurie Addison is an Executive Coach emphasizing ‘leadership energy,' which includes physical, emotional, mental, and relational energies. Creating awareness of these energies, plus setting goals and plans to improve the use of these energies, can have an incredible and positive shift in the way a leader shows up in their work and their overall life.

Her approach starts with the individual leader and then ripples out to the entire organization through working with the leader’s team, and through scaling leadership-energy awareness out to every level within the organization for optimal, positive impacts and results. Using organizational leadership foundations combined with positive organizational psychology, coaching, and data-driven evaluation and measurement, Laurie gets to the head and heart of leaders for positive, sustainable change for themselves, their teams, and organizations, plus all around them in their large ecosystems of influence.


  • Doctorate, Organizational Leadership & Change Management,
    Pepperdine University

  • Post-doctorate, Positive Organizational Psychology,
    Claremont Graduate University

  • MBA & BS Marketing
    Regis University


  • iPEC/Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching

  • ICF/International Coaching Federation
    ACC, PCC

  • Hogan Leadership Assessment

  • Brain Health Certification - Amen Clinics

  • Shift Positive 360® certified


Kanchan Prinsloo


Laurie Arron