Susan Wayne

  • Executive and leadership team coach

  • Organizational development and change leadership consultant

  • Former C-Suite executive


Susan’s professional passion has always been anchored in leadership and transformational growth. She is a former CMO (Old Navy) and Marketing leader who has served on two executive teams -- and in both North American and global roles. Since 2010, her work has centered on organizational development consulting (specializing in change leadership) and executive coaching.

Her journey has included making multiple pivots (leader, consultant, coach), and she is a voracious learner who continuously broadens her education and training – including Organizational Systems & Relationship Coaching and becoming an ordained Interfaith Chaplain with a focus on Spiritual Psychology.

Through the years, she has faced her own significant challenges including work addiction, perfectionism, impostor syndrome, and being an “out” LGBTQ+ leader since the early ‘90s, when there were few out leaders in the corporate arena. Her clients value her extensive in-the-trenches experience leading in high-pressure, dynamic and high-stakes operating contexts, as well as the depth of her personal growth experience and character as she’s strived to walk the talk throughout her career.

Approach/ Philosophy

Susan views leadership as an intense, rewarding and challenging “calling” that is not for everyone. She relishes supporting leaders who’ve answered this calling to become clearer, bolder, and more inter-connected in their leadership – as well as more congruent with their authentic Selves. She focuses on leaving her clients better equipped to effectively lead themselves and their organizations in today’s complex, demanding environments.

She takes an alchemical approach to coaching, drawing on a variety of experiences, methods, frameworks and tools to home in on what will best serve her clients based on what they are facing and where they are in their journeys. Her clients describe her as insightful, inspiring, empathetic and thought-provoking – yet very practical and action-oriented.


  • BA Economics with minor in Spanish, Dartmouth College

  • MBA, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

  • Ordained Interfaith Chaplain, The Chaplaincy Institute, Berkeley, CA

  • Organizational and Relationship Systems Coaching program – CRR Global


  • Coaches Training Institute

  • International Coaching Federation


Sarah Fruehling


Suzanne Levy